
What Will Happen During a Root Canal Procedure?

It is helpful to understand the process dentists use during a root canal procedure to mentally and physically prepare before treatment.

When Is an Emergency Root Canal Needed?

When people think of emergency dentistry, a root canal is not often the first word that comes to mind. Chipping a tooth, maybe, or maybe some oral trauma happened due to a car wreck — but a root canal? That … Continued

Why You Should Visit Our Blaine Office for a Root Canal

If your tooth is infected, Arden Dental Associates – Carlos Campodonico, DDS can perform a root canal to remove the infection and save the tooth. At our Blaine dental office, we focus on both preventative care and cosmetic dentistry. This … Continued

Seek Treatment For Dental Issues

Root canal treatment is not painful like the myths make people believe. Call us for details on the procedure. Root Canal TreatmentRoot canal treatment removes the infected dental pulp within the tooth and leaves the natural tooth otherwise intact. We … Continued