
FAQs about Tooth Implants

Tooth implant placement is a safe procedure in dentistry and is the only replacement option that caters to the missing root and provides stimulation to the natural bone under the tooth.

Three Questions to Ask Your Dentist About White Dental Fillings

White dental fillings are a lot more popular than traditional silver amalgam fillings nowadays.

A Family Dentist Discusses the Importance of X-rays

Many people are often bothered about the effects of radiation from dental x-rays, but there is usually no need for concern.

When Would a Dentist Recommend Replacing Old Dentures?

Tooth loss can occur due to an accident or injury, disease in the teeth or gums, or slow decay over time.

Can Gum Disease Be Prevented?

Using a mouth rinse to kill harmful bacteria can also help keep gum tissues healthy and strong.

A Cosmetic Dentist Can Help Fill Spaces Between Teeth

Cosmetic dentists use different techniques to cover up spaces in between teeth.

Why Gum Disease Prevention Is so Important

Gum disease is a common dental problem. Poor oral care, lifestyle, and diet contribute to the onset and worsening of this condition.

When is a Dental Crown Necessary?

A dental crown is often recommended when other methods are not adequate to treat the problem.

When Would a Dentist Recommend a Tooth Extraction?

Various situations exist where a dentist would recommend tooth extraction.

What Will Happen During a Root Canal Procedure?

It is helpful to understand the process dentists use during a root canal procedure to mentally and physically prepare before treatment.