
How Good Dental Health Can Improve Your Immune System During COVID-19 Outbreak

Your dental health may indicate how well your immune system is working. If you have poor oral hygiene habits, you may be more likely to have oral health problems. This can negatively affect your immune system. The immune system is … Continued

5 Oral Hygiene Tips for Kids’ Young Teeth

Teaching your children proper oral hygiene will help them keep their teeth healthy for life. Most habits that stick with us form during childhood, including how to care for our teeth. Why is oral hygiene important for children? Most people … Continued

5 Things About Daily Tooth Care from a Dentist in Blaine

A dentist in Blaine can help you get back on track with keeping your teeth healthy! Daily tooth care is just as important as caring for any other part of your body, but most people do not realize that. It … Continued

Picking a Toothbrush and Toothpaste: What Are the Alternatives?

When picking a toothbrush and toothpaste, there are many things that should be considered. Some people might even find themselves wondering if using a toothbrush with toothpaste does much more than other alternatives. The reality is: Toothpaste is an essential … Continued

7 Natural Tips For Healthy Teeth

Healthy teeth do not require the use of products with chemicals. It is possible to take the all-natural route and keep your chompers gorgeous and perfectly functional across the years to come. Look: Below, we take a look at a … Continued

Brushing And Flossing Make A Great Team

Floss before brushing to remove food from places that the bristles never reach and prevent plaque from forming. Oral Hygiene BasicsWe will go over oral hygiene basics during a cleaning and examination to ensure that the patient knows how to … Continued

Keep Up Oral Hygiene Basics

You need to keep up the oral hygiene basics, which will keep your teeth healthy and prevent infection. Oral Hygiene BasicsWe will go over oral hygiene basics during a cleaning and examination to ensure that the patient knows how to … Continued